It's Not About the IP

- IP(Intellectual Property), Computer Technology, Ocean Life, Triathlon, and more



1. Barbie

人形のバービーが現実世界にやってくることによって起きるハチャメチャコメディ。ツッコミどころはありますが私は好きですね。軽い映画で気張らず流しておけるので英語の勉強も兼ねて何度もみてます。悩みやいざこざのない完璧的に完璧(Perfectly Perfect)な世界から現実世界にやってきて初めて痛みのようなものを知り、ベンチに座って涙をこぼすバービー。周りを見渡すと、バービーワールドにはなかった風に揺れる木、鳥の鳴き声、言い争う男女、男性同士の談笑、うつむく人。完璧ではないことの豊かさを目の当たりにしたバービーが、ふと隣りに座っている老婆に見惚れ、こぼれるように思わず口にした"You're so beautiful."、それに老婆から返される "I know it."。これは映画史に残る名シーンなのではないでしょうか。終わってみてから思うと現代版ピノキオ。バービーが "You, Fascist!" と罵られるシーンがあって、ここ日本語ではなんて訳されているのかと思ったらカタカナでファシストなんですねw ファシストという言葉から連想するのはナチとかの偏狭的な愛国主義だったんですけど、単に権威的なことを軽蔑を込めていうみたいですね。
グラミー賞でのこの映画の曲 What was I made for の Bille Eillish のパフォーマンスが圧巻でした。天才。

You've opened a portal. / It's a figure of speech./ Even if you can't make it perfect, you can make it better. /Being a human can be pretty uncomfortable.

2. Past Lives


3. The Zone of Interest


bruise /incinerated /combustion /heron /bittern /pamper /strudel /in the interest of /i’m speechless /gazebo /bloddy hell /take it away /spite /bowel movement /rumblings



broaden your horizons /You are a hair's breadth from suspension. /You said you washed your hands of me.


アメリカでは黒人は虐げられて貧乏でギャングになるか、這い上がるには音楽かスポーツで成功するしかない、みたいなステレオタイプではなく実際は普通に教育を受けて普通に暮らしている人がほとんどです。当たり前ですが医者や弁護士や作家などの知識人、文化人も当たり前にいて、そういう当たり前にいる普通の人が普通の日常の中で感じる、世の中から求められるステレオタイプの黒人像に対する違和感を、ユーモアをこめて描いたコメディ。世界観や設定はすきで楽しみにしていましたが、こうなるんだろうなと思う展開がそのまま展開されてそのまま終わった印象で、もうちょっと捻るか完成度高めるかできたんじゃないかなとも思ってしまいました。 ところであの浜辺に面した家、めっちゃ良いですね、ステキ。調べてみたらロケ地は Boston 南東の Scituate という町のようです。住んでみたい。

it made some of your students uncomfortable. /Would you give us the pleasure of reading an excerpt? /Enemies see each other better than friends. / I'll touch base when I know more. /Be civilized. /I heard about your sister. My condolences. /it's awards-bait with a capital B. /And please don't take offense at this, /We need a big finish.


なんなんだこのキモい映画はw 寺山修司かw (ほめてる

Cease working yourself immediately./ She grabbed my hairy business /I do have feelings for her. /You did not see me working on myself to get happiness, did you? /be happy as two doves on a branch. /She is a being of free will. /Touché. /Money is its own form of sickness, and all the scarcity of it. /let him cock you a bit and make some nice francs. /You are a monster. A whore and a monster. A demon sent from hell to rip my spirit to shreds. To punish my tiny sins with a tsunami of destruction. To take my heart and pull it like taffy to ruin me. /I look at you, and I see nothing but ugliness. /the simple act of letting a strange man ride on me has erased all that? /You have the most delicious looking lobes. /I look at you and feel nothing but the lingering question of how did I ever want you? /My empathy is creeping toward what I would describe as contemptuous rage. /You cunting cunt-faced deadshit. /-You are ill? -I am not. I am dying. /It is your body, Bella Baxter. Yours to give freely. /I have not, but I shall. /I am never happier than when I'm in here.


雪山のなかで作家夫婦と子供の3人が暮らしている家で、夫が謎の転落死。これは事故なのか事件なのかを検証する法廷劇の中で、家族3人の苦悩と関係性があらわになっていく。いうなれば殺人事件版の「それでも僕はやってない」。主人公を演じる女性は The zone of interest でも主役で出ていた方で、なんだか親近感の湧く自然な立ち振る舞いが良いですね。

8. Killers of the Flower Moon


9. Oppenheimer


10. Maestro


Lenny, you are responsible on account of your gifts. /give it a whirl /and the motion picture On the Waterfront. /The belle of the ball /Fix your hair. You're getting sloppy. smart as a whip /never standing under a bird that's full of shit. /Yes, let's get some air. /all anyone needs is to be sensitive to others.



The question from the millions who go out of their way to avoid swimming in Manhattan waters is why? / She says it's a complex matter, involving her deepest emotions. / We all felt that she could've made it if she'd had a break. / laziness is contagious / Just quiet, okay? Just us. Maybe Scrabble. / Just because we're on a one-way street hurtling towards death doesn't mean that we have to succumb to mediocrity. / You got raccoon eyes. / The mind does not swim 100 miles across the ocean, right? The body does. / Uh, I have a system of counting. A sort of hypnotic technique of singing songs… / This is designed to protect Diana Nyad from the sharks and Portuguese men of war / do you just have a hair across your ass? / If anybody in the world can do it, it's her. / If we can't get something into her gut, her body will start eating itself. / both for weather and the axis of the stream. / There are 16 million people who do open water swimming. There are 116 people who have actually swum over 24 hours straight. But to go more than 48 hours, that's only 12 people in the history of the world. / Scale of one to ten? / It's… it's her call. / I'm trying to take it on the chin. / One, never, ever give up. Two, you're never too old to chase your dreams. And three, it may look like a solitary sport…but it takes a team.